Part-time positions: Program Coordinator and Teachers/Coaches
February—June 2014

Administration tasks include advertising for students, organizing travel fellowships and travel logistics, implementing national safety standards, purchasing and managing equipment, communicating with stakeholders (school administrators, teachers, parents, city administration, funders, advisors, directors, children). Location: Cambridge, MA. Prefer someone from Cambridge, who is well-connected. Want  someone smart, reliable, trustworthy, capable, efficient, fun-loving, proven, passionate, professional and respectful  around kids, personable, kind, and a good listener. Will need to pass background and extensive safety check before interacting with children, but can start working on other aspects in anticipation of passing that check. Helpful: Cambridge residency, Cambridge connections, mad internet communication skillz, drivers license.

Teaching/coaching tasks include setting up and delivering lessons on navigating with maps using fun games and exercises. Possibility of travel to US National Inter-Scholastic Orienteering Championships in March. Travel fellowships available. Classes will have additional teacher or parent support.

High school students and parents with experience orienteering are particularly encouraged to apply. Volunteers are also welcome; can get those high school volunteering hours! Contact Barb Bryant.