The New England Orienteering Club

DCR Great Brook Farm, Carlisle, MA
September 17, 2023
Meet Directors: Kelly Guarino, Nick Townley

On Sunday September 17th Great Brook Farm in Carlisle welcomed 125 orienteers with sunny skies and a light breeze. There were six courses and a StringO setup, with Brown being the most popular course of the day. The wet weather and heavy wind a week earlier meant that water features were in full flow, and there were a number of fallen trees that made following contour lines more challenging.

A large number of family groups joined us to walk the White and Yellow courses before heading over to the barn for ice cream, the White proved a little too long for some of the younger legs and will be shorter next year. In addition to ten new local members, we welcomed back a few people that hadn't been out for a couple of years, a family visiting from Eastern Europe, and a German student who recently moved to the state. A strong contingent of students from Cambridge Ridge and Latin School also boosted attendance, with a delayed arrival we saw several of their parents pickup a map and try the sport while they waited for the school bus to arrive. The meet Co-Director Nick also met another Australian National University alumni who overlapped with his time there.

Beyond the fallen trees and areas of wet ground, the wasps made life a bit challenging at one control on the Red course, but overall only a couple of snakes and deer were seen.

Many thanks to Kelly for her meet directing, and to Wendy, Channon, Tori, Mark, Mike, Jim, Karen and Joanne for all the on day help and support in the lead up to this meet.

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