The New England Orienteering Club

You will see links to Express Registration in the details of many NEOC meets this year (e.g., April's meet at Boojum Rock). Express Registration extends online pre-registration to NEOC's local meets, and gets you out on your course faster.

In the days leading up to a meet, Express Registration will let you register for a course, sign an online waiver, and pay securely via PayPal, at no extra cost. PayPal accepts major credit cards; you do not need a PayPal account. Of course, you can still register on-site the day of the meet.

Pre-registered runners can bypass the Registration table, and go directly to the Start table. There they will get their map, clue sheet, and loaner e-punch finger-stick (if needed), then Clear-Check and Start!

Contact the Results Co-ordinator with any questions.