The New England Orienteering Club
Overview Search
Number of Categories: 8
folder0Board Minutes Subcategories: 0 Files: 8

Board minutes are now stored on a restricted Google Drive.

Contact the Webmaster for access.

folder1BYOM Subcategories: 0 Files: 0

BYOM — Bring Your Own Map

These are maps of temporary courses.
Check the schedule of NEOC events for the dates that these courses are available.

folder2BYOM-Hale-2024 Subcategories: 0 Files: 9

BYOM courses for Hale Education; April 13-28, 2024

Non-members: Bookmark this page — don't pay for this event twice!

folder3BYOM-MtMisery2024 Subcategories: 0 Files: 8

BYOM courses for Mount Misery; May 11-19, 2024

Non-members: Bookmark this page — don't pay for this event twice!

folder4Meet Director's documents Subcategories: 0 Files: 11

Note: These documents are updated frequently. Check that you are working with the most recent version.

folder5NEOC trainings Subcategories: 0 Files: 0
folder6Raw Splits Files Subcategories: 8 Files: 0

Raw splits files from NEOC e-punch events

These files are the unprocessed data that are collected when competitors download their finger-sticks. They are generally semicolon-delimited text files.
See interpretations of these data in:

  • SplitsBrowser (part of RouteGadget, in the Results menu)
  • WinSplits (scroll to bottom of page; use search form with club, "New England Orienteering")
folder7Uncategorised Subcategories: 0 Files: 0